Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Keyboard shortcuts

Viewport Controls

Keyboard shortcuts can reduce the amount of clicking one must do by providing "hot keys" that allow for "one touch" operation.

Input Alternate Input Result
Right Mouse Button (RMB) + W RMB + Up Arrow Move Forward
RMB + S RMB + Down Arrow Move Backward
RMB + A RMB + Left Arrow Move Left
RMB + D RMB + Right Arrow Move Right
RMB + Q RMB + Page Up Move Up
RMB + E RMB + Page Down Move Down
Scroll Wheel Alt + RMB Move Forward/Backwards
LMB (Left Mouse Button) Select
Alt + LMB Orbit/Rotate view
MMB (Middle Mouse Button) [Hold] Pan/Slide view
RMB (Hold) Look
RMB (Click) Invoke Contextual Menus
Shift + H Toggles between normal and de-clutter visualization modes
F Focus on selected asset
F7 Enables and disables the visibility of the UI
F11 Toggles full screen mode
F10 Capture Screen Shot
Note: While using any Move Command, Shift can be held to double the movement speed. Control can be used to halve the movement speed.


Ctrl + A Selects all assets in the current scene
Ctrl + I Selects all assets not selected and deselects all selected assets
Esc Deselects all assets in the current scene

File operations

Ctrl + S Save File
Ctrl + O Open File

Asset Control

Del Deletes selected asset
Ctrl + Shift + I Create an instance of the current asset
Ctrl + D Duplicates current asset
Ctrl + G Groups selected assets into a container
H Toggles selected asset visibility

Animation Controls

Space Key Plays/ Pause animations

Paint Tool

Ctrl + B Toggle Paint Mode
Shift + LMB Erase
B + MMW ( Middle mouse wheel) Brush Size